New Alien Story

This just in … my new short, short story “Giant Rock,” inspired by my recent trip to The Integratron, has been accepted for publication in Bright Flash Literary Review. Thank you to them. And, yes, aliens are involved, as are baby quails, a giftshop saleswoman named Venus (who looks like Marilyn Monroe in “Some Like It Hot”), and a talking bobcat.

A Taekwondo Story

I was involved in Taekwondo for more than 25 years as an instructor, coach, and practitioner. And I met a lot of great people along the way.

Now, I’m happy to say I have one Taekwondo short story to my name. “The Holding Area” is coming out soon in the most recent edition of Aethlon: The Journal of Sport Literature.

The story’s written from the point of view of a junior competitor seeking a shot at a national title after battling her way back from a disappointing loss the previous year.


Last Letter from Longyearbyen

Take a break from the tweets and posts … and enjoy (hmmm, maybe that’s not the right word) this story just published in Defiant Scribe about an arctic vacation gone terribly wrong.

Here’s what the editors say about it: “suspense builds as the piece masterfully unfolds to reveal the supposed misdeed at the story’s center; the plot is fascinating enough—and the writing strong enough—to sustain even a full-length novel, but instead it smoothly wraps up in a tight 1,725 words.”

It’s the Water

Check out my latest short, short story called It’s the Water for the fine people at Defiant Scribe.

The editors call it “a terrifically unsettling, memorably spooky tale in just 708 words—complete with an ending that will stick with you long after you’ve finished reading.”

A friendly tip … don’t drink the water!