New Alien Story

This just in … my new short, short story “Giant Rock,” inspired by my recent trip to The Integratron, has been accepted for publication in Bright Flash Literary Review. Thank you to them. And, yes, aliens are involved, as are baby quails, a giftshop saleswoman named Venus (who looks like Marilyn Monroe in “Some Like It Hot”), and a talking bobcat.

New Book Alert: Lunch with the Alien

First there was “Breakfast” … now there’s “Lunch.”

Yes, I’m excited to let you know I checked this project off my list while staying home during COVID-19.

“Lunch with the Alien and Other Short, Short Stories” is Coming Soon (paperback and ePub versions).

Stay tuned for further details.

Always on the Run

Thanks to Potato Soup Journal for picking up my short story “Always on the Run.” This story was inspired by a line from a song. I’ll leave it at that in case anyone wants to guess the song and artist. One clue: the song is not by my favorite band.


There’s an abundance of construction happening in our neighborhood. And the critters are out and about. That’s the inspiration for this One-Minute Story.