Best Covid Film

Thanks to the San Francisco Arthouse Short film festival for naming “Then Came the Firestorm” as their Best Covid Film for January 2023.

It seems like it was so long ago when I ventured into the empty city streets with my iPhone to film scenes from another world. But wait… it wasn’t another world. It was our world, wracked by the pandemic that lingers still.

Make Art Not Fear

I’m excited to report that my short poetry film “Then Came the Firestorm” has been named an Official Selection at the Make Art Not Fear festival – coming to you all the way from Porto, Portgual. But wait … there’s more! Another one of my poetry films (“Dear Leviathan”) was also selected! Super huge thanks to the organizers of this cool festival, the one with the best name.

Music Video Winner !!!

I’m happy to announce that “Chernobyl” has been named winner of the Music Video category in May from Cult Critic Movie Awards in Kolkata, India.

Haven’t seen my short film yet? You can watch it here (password = blast).

“Chernobyl” was inspired by my travels in Europe in 1986. I was visiting a distant relative in Hamburg at the time. Though we were 800 miles away, I remember the fear as we watched the weather patterns on the news (are those clouds coming from the reactor?) and avoided fresh produce that might have been tainted by the blast. Hard to imagine it’s now a tourist attraction.