Ten Years and Counting

Six String Communications. Ten years in business and counting. Thanks to everyone who’s played a part in keeping this little editorial engine chugging up the hill. I appreciate it. And for anyone looking for a seasoned writer, editor, ghostwriter, scriptwriter, proofreader, all-purpose-editorial-collaborator, please keep me in mind. Here’s to the next ten. Woohoo!

EA Story Project

May 27, 2022 marked the 40th anniversary of Electronic Arts.

When I worked at EA (1997 – 2012), one of my favorite parts of our Creative Services department (besides the amazing people I worked with) was the Packaging Wall, where we placed (with Velcro) all the covers of the games we worked on. 

People who came by would stop at the wall and say something like, “I remember that game” … or “I didn’t know EA published that game” … or “I loved playing that game.” 

Fast forward about eight years since I left EA to start my own business, I was very thrilled to receive an invitation to lead the EA Story project. Anyone who knows me knows I’m a writer. But on this project, I was fortunate to serve as director, researcher, curator, podcast interviewer, asset wrangler, cat herder, treasure hunter, and, yes, writer. 

As it turns out, we made a Packaging Wall – an interactive-dancing-lightshow-extravaganza of a Packaging Wall, with a matching internal website on steroids.

I view my work on this project as a tribute to all the people throughout the last 40 years who loved working at EA like I did. And I hope EA employees today (and in the future) enjoy, learn from, and are inspired by the experience as they continue to shape and reshape the company.

We rolled out the EA Story project this week. And we’ll continue to update it as Electronic Arts releases new games and achieves new milestones. Many people contributed mightily to this project, and I thank them all from the bottom of my heart.

Happy Anniversary, Electronic Arts. 

A Year in the Life of the Alien Book

It’s been a year since I released Breakfast with the Alien and Other Short, Short Stories.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the creation of the book, bought the book, read the book, recommended the book, gifted the book, attended a book event, wrote a book review (on Amazon or Goodreads), voted for the book for the Legion M book-of-the-month, attended the Legion M book-of-the-month discussion, suggested ideas for the next book, took selfies with the book in interesting locations, and on it goes.

Yes, thank you very much.