Always on the Run

Thanks to Potato Soup Journal for picking up my short story “Always on the Run.” This story was inspired by a line from a song. I’ll leave it at that in case anyone wants to guess the song and artist. One clue: the song is not by my favorite band.

In the Midst of Nothingness

I made a short film in response to Shotgun Players’ “Art in the Time of Corona” challenge. You can see it on YouTube:

In the Midst of Nothingness

The Assignment: You have 48 hours to make a 2-minute (or shorter) film. Include three lines (at least) from any play (I chose “Waiting for Godot”). Incorporate toilet paper (or a mask). Indicate the passing of time. And add ten seconds of motion.

Support local theaters. Support local artists.


There’s an abundance of construction happening in our neighborhood. And the critters are out and about. That’s the inspiration for this One-Minute Story.


Hey everyone. Today’s my birthday!!! I wouldn’t normally broadcast the occasion … but these aren’t normal times, are they? So, for my special day, I’d like to give you another One-Minute Story. This one’s about a bullet … and a Fishbowl.


With all the craziness in the world, it’s hard to know what to do or even think. But I’m a writer, so I’m compelled to write. Here’s the first of a series of One-Minute Stories. It touches upon the age-old question of which three albums would you choose if you were shipwrecked on a desert island.