A Political Dance Tune?

Based on the Spotify data, this song has been played much more than any other on my Spiral Notebook Project album. Is it because it’s tagged as being “explicit” or is some other factor at work???

“I’m not the president … I’m not the queen … I’m not the sultan in the desert … it’s just little ol’ me.”

Play the Video.

Not Waterproof

This photo was sent in by a  friendly reader after his 1.5-year-old son put Breakfast with the Alien in the washing machine. Books aren’t waterproof. It’s a good life lesson.  

A New Video

Whether it’s a ghost town in the Sierras or a music studio in Oakland, hold on to those moments in time. Huge thanks to Michael Marsh for creating this video. And special thanks as always to all involved: John Vanderslice, Carly Bond, Robert Shelton, Jason Slota, Jacob Winik, and Henrik Kam. 

Play the Video.

Stories & Songs at Mural Arts

June 23, 2017. I performed a short set at a house party hosted by my good friends Les and Brenda at Mural Arts studio.  Material included stories from Breakfast with the Alien and songs from Spiral Notebook Project. Set list below.

Set List: Breakfast with the Alien, Folderol, A Moment in Time, Eyes Wide Shut, The Cloud, T3, Hey World, Fool’s Gold, Nobody But You.

There it is!!!

It’s been a long time coming, but my album is finally out. You can find it on iTunes, CD Baby, Spotify, your favorite dive bar jukebox, everywhere. Thanks to everyone who helped make this possible.

Six String Update 052517

Six String Communications always keeps me on my toes … work during the last few weeks included:

– brainstorming game names
– writing a press release for a new game development tool
– editing video scripts for a synthetic engine oil firm
– writing newsletter copy for a non-profit org
– compiling writing samples for a prospective new client
– editing a sales training manual for a promotional products company
– writing marketing one-sheets for two new mobile phones
– editing three proposals for transportation construction projects.

Oh, and in my spare time I released a book of short stories and recorded an album of original music.

Anyone looking for editorial assistance, please keep me in mind.