Travel Writing

Whether writing for work or writing for fun, I’ve always felt it’s a good idea to tackle all sorts of subjects. It might be the latest craze in video games or the benefits of synthetic lubricants. Sometimes it might even be about cool travel destinations.

My latest newsletter is dedicated to my travel writing over the years. If it didn’t show up in your inbox, you can read it here.

It’s the Water

Check out my latest short, short story called It’s the Water for the fine people at Defiant Scribe.

The editors call it “a terrifically unsettling, memorably spooky tale in just 708 words—complete with an ending that will stick with you long after you’ve finished reading.”

A friendly tip … don’t drink the water!

Finalist: On My Way Home

I just learned that my story “On My Way Home” is a finalist in Fiction War’s latest quarterly contest. For those counting, this is my third straight entry to make it to the finals. Woohoo!!!

The Fiction War prompt for this contest was “I, Monster.” Creepy and quirky. Just the way I like it.

I hope you’ll check out my story when it’s published in Fiction War Magazine. It’s hard to say when that will be, but I’ll be sure to let you know.

Quantifiable Improvement!

I just performed an editorial pass on a leadership training document for a client who said, “WOW! It’s a billion times better!”

You, too, can have documents that are a billion times better – with Six String Communications.

Good writing is good business!

A Year in the Life of the Alien Book

It’s been a year since I released Breakfast with the Alien and Other Short, Short Stories.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the creation of the book, bought the book, read the book, recommended the book, gifted the book, attended a book event, wrote a book review (on Amazon or Goodreads), voted for the book for the Legion M book-of-the-month, attended the Legion M book-of-the-month discussion, suggested ideas for the next book, took selfies with the book in interesting locations, and on it goes.

Yes, thank you very much.