Live at the Roxie

Thanks to SF IndieFest for selecting “Then Came the Firestorm” for the 2021 San Francisco Independent Short Film Festival. What a huge honor to see my film screened at the Roxie Theater – a movie house I’ve been visiting since the beginning of time! (Well, at least since 1978 or thereabouts.)

Film Fest Update: “Then Came the Firestorm”

I’m very excited to report that my short film “Then Came the Firestorm” is an official selection at the San Francisco International Short Film Festival, which will take place online (Sept 17 – 26) and – here’s the super exciting part – at the Roxie Theater (Sept 18) in my hometown of San Francisco, California.

I’ve been attending movies at the Roxie for longer than I can remember … so it’s mindblowing to think my short film will be shown at this landmark venue.

Film Fest Update: “He Runs”

I’m excited (and honored) to report that “He Runs” has been selected to play at a number of film festivals in 2021. The most recent selections include:

– Sidewalk Film Festival, Birmingham, AL (Aug 23 – 29)

– Montreal International Black Film Festival (Sept 22 – Oct 3)

– Midwest Video Poetry Festival, Wisconsin (Oct 8 – 9)