New Interview – Lunch with the Alien: Greg Roensch’s Digestible Tales

Thanks to Lois Lane for asking a few questions about my new book.

Here’s an excerpt from my response to a question about whether my extensive experience as a writer in the gaming industry has influenced my short story writing:

“Working on such an amazing range of games helped shape my interest in writing short stories in different genres and styles. In Lunch with the Alien and Other Short, Short Stories, for example, I include a few science-fiction stories, a few horror stories, a few crime-gone-wrong stories — and even a love story or two. And, yes, there are stories where aliens try to rip your guts out.”

Check out the entire interview here. And thanks again to Lois Lane.

“Lunch”time at Christopher’s Books


“Lunch with the Alien and Other Short, Short Stories” comes out officially on May 4. But you can pick up a pre-release copy NOW at the one-and-only Christopher’s Books in San Francisco.

For all my Potrero Hill friends (or anyone in the Bay Area for that matter), run don’t walk on over to Christopher’s – keeping socially distanced, of course – and grab some “Lunch.”  

Pre-Order Available Now

The countdown is on.

Lunch with the Alien and Other Short, Short Stories is coming out one month from today, on May the Fourth ­– because as much as I love Wookiees, Droids, and Skywalkers I want my little book to compete head-to-head with the entire Star Wars universe. May the Force be with the little book with the well-coiffed alien on the cover.

Pre-Order available now on,, or your favorite online bookshop.