A Year in the Life of the Alien Book

It’s been a year since I released Breakfast with the Alien and Other Short, Short Stories.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the creation of the book, bought the book, read the book, recommended the book, gifted the book, attended a book event, wrote a book review (on Amazon or Goodreads), voted for the book for the Legion M book-of-the-month, attended the Legion M book-of-the-month discussion, suggested ideas for the next book, took selfies with the book in interesting locations, and on it goes.

Yes, thank you very much.

Live at the Octopus

I had a great time last night at the Octopus Literary Salon. Thanks to everyone who came out for Stories & Songs on a rainy night in Oakland.

Set List: Breakfast with the Alien, Breakfast with the Alien 2, A Moment in Time, Eyes Wide Shut, Fool’s Gold, Folderol, The Cloud, T3, I Heard the News, Hey World, Don’t Forget to Pack Your Hand Grenade, Romance, Shromance, Follow the Sun to My House of Shells, We Met in Latin Class, Nobody But You, Speak Your Mind, Come On Over.

New Review on Amazon

Thanks very much to the kind reader who just left this review on Amazon:

Breakfast with the Alien is an exceptional read. There is definitely something in here for every type of reader. From the romantics to sci-fi lovers and from the thrill seekers to the mystery solvers. Each short story has its own unpredictable twist that kept me wanting more. Each short story will only take you a minute to read, so don’t miss out! Greg Roensch is a seriously talented author who can create such vivid worlds with such few words. My favorite was ‘She Only Whispers,’ what will yours be?”

Indeed, what will yours be?